Favorite Award!
Ms. Sandra Blackert from the lovely blog itsyour.life has given me the “Favorite Award” — Thank you very much! And I don’t have to do anything more than answer a few questions! Here you go:
1. How do you explain your blog to your grandmother?
I have dedicated myself to the search for the “True, Beautiful, Good and Daft.” But in reality that only means that I do what I want to do, and also would do. My grandmother was wonderful and very wise, she would have understood that!
2. What object can you not do without in your life?
It’s not pretty, but I must say: my asthma spray. A bit less prosaic: my dobrolele — a metal ukulele.
3. What reader question would you never answer?
Hmm, the only thing that occurs to me is this crazy question, which you always see being asked in women’s magazines: what part of your body are you most pleased with? And then all the supermodels and hot-shit actresses say something like: my wrists — I got them from my mother! And I always think: when is a woman just gonna write: my tits! I believe I have fantastic tits! The truth for me, by the way, would be: my hands. I got them from my mother.
4. What has been the biggest slip-up on your blog so far?
I shot six videos for my solo CD, and in each case announced a video premiere with great ballyhoo, brimming with pride. And there was a premiere, every time, but four out of six times the new video was blocked by Youtube after a few hours, and could only be seen again days later. Arrgh.
5. Do you write in advance or always in real time?
I always resolve to write in advance — I think that would also be a good approach for me, because with music other things tend to get in the way for months. But, despite that, I would prefer to feed my blog continuously, and under no circumstances let it degenerate into a “Music-Promotion Vehicle.” So I write on and off, when the muse strikes me, on demand — but not yet enough!
6. What talent would you like to have?
I envy people who can really sing everything! Who have this ease, which gives you the sense that it’s just flowing out of them… James Taylor, for example, or more currently: Ed Sheeran… What a physical delight it must be, to be able to sing like that. Sigh.
7. Which blog would you take with you to a desert island?
8. Which habit would you most like to give up?
Senseless tinkering at the computer.
9. Does your blogging have anything to do with your (former) career?
Hmm, yeah, sure. With Wir sind Helden I always had the feeling that the core of what I do — and want to do — is writing. The calling in the career, perhaps. And I always had the feeling that writing comes up short, because I spend much too much time hauling finished work all over the place. The blog is a way for me to stay “writing.” Moreover, and this sounds terribly romantic, of course: I would like to be straight with “my” people, and less dependent on the constricted, clogged channels through which you’d otherwise have to push your art, in order to deliver it to the people — and when it arrives, it’s all crumpled-up and gooey and disheveled. I don’t want that anymore. I also don’t want to proselytize. I wish I could send my music directly to the homes of all who are interested, and not bother anyone else with it.
10. What is happiness for you?
Peace. Profound rapture. Tina Fey’s book Bossypants.
And for my part, I’m happy to NOMINATE THE FOLLOWING BLOGS:
My questions for the nominees are:
1. Do you remember how and when you became a reader?
2. Do you remember how and when you became a writer?
3. How do you navigate that trying energy field between idleness/ non-doing and enthusiasm/ drive?
4. When do you most enjoy writing? Do you (still) have those moments of writer’s bliss? Describe one.
5. Is writing more flow or more fight? Do you (mostly) have to wrestle the words to the page or does it (mostly) come easy?
6. Do you sometimes hold something back because you know it would be a cheap shot? And does holding it back hurt, because it would have been really funny? I do.
7. Did you ever post something and regret it? If so, you don’t have to tell me what it was.
8. Do you ever force it when you don’t feel it? How do you deal with the unspoken promise of the blogger to, well, blog?
9. Do you still do a lot of handwriting, say, in a journal? Is there a difference in what you write when you write by hand?
10. What is the sound of one hand… nah, just kidding.
But seriously: what is the sound of one hand flipping the finger? I think it’s a lovely sound.
Thank you so much for your time and your inspiring blogs,
Judith Holofernes
And here is how it works:
- Thank the person that nominated you for the “Favorite Award” (Liebster Award) and link the blog in your post.
- Answer the 10 questions posted by the blogger who nominated you.
- Nominate 3 to 8 other bloggers for the “Favorite Award”.
- Compile a list with 11 questions for the bloggers you’ve nominated.
- Include these rules in your article about the “Favorite Award,” so that the nominees know what they have to do.
- Inform your bloggers about their nominations and your article.
- You can download the “Favorite Award” logo here.
- Put a link to your article here in the comments.