The Süddeutsche Zeitung is publishing a particularly lovely special edition today, on the subject of women and freedom. What a beautiful topic, don’t you think? And one that I’ve regularly struggled with in recent years, out of necessity. With results, by the way, that hopefully will please you. But more on that soon!
Among many nice pieces in the SZ issue, you’ll also find a little text I dreamed up just for this project. The piece is naturally here as well, uncut, but nevertheless, you should buy a copy of the whole issue, if for no other reason than to see the good company in which I find myself. Look for it under: “HOW FREE DO YOU FEEL? A Women’s Issue.”
Have a good time!
Notes from Kreuzberg/the Hollow (15)… The Taming of the Truculent Hammock
When my band went on a well-earned extended hiatus in 2009, I didn’t have any idea what I was going to do next. And that was exactly what I have wanted in the first place: the ultimate freedom, nothing to know, nothing to have to do, just keeping still and observing what came next. And because I had pictured it for so long (and, besides, it ought to help with keeping still), I hung an imaginary hammock in my imaginary garden, and practiced swinging. But oh! For the first ten attempts I was just nauseous. On the next one I fell asleep, and dreamt wild dog-dreams with twitchy paws. I jerked up, flipped, tangled myself up in the fabric, fell clumsily in the dust, scrambled to my feet, and climbed in again. It wants practice, this idleness! An untamed hammock can buck you like an ornery horse. But since I was born to idleness in the depth of my being –and ambitious besides– I was soon very good at it. Better than most others! After just a few weeks I was gently swinging in my hammock, letting the wind rock me, and when I dreamt I swung even further, into the clouds. “Today I’m doing nada!” I thought contentedly when I awoke. “Zip! Zip! Zip!” Hmmm. Hmm Hmm Hmm. “Zip that’s made to fit / or makes you sweat / or have to sit.” Hehe. Hmm. Hmm. “I am zip! Zip! Zip! / Fit! Fit! Fit! / Zip that’s made to fit / or give support / or clean and sort” Haha!!! ”Ich geh spazieren/ auf allen Vieren/ Ich sprech mit Tieren/ die nichts kapieren/ Die alles können/ und die versonnen/ auf Wiesen pennen/ und die versponnen/ Auf Wiesen rennen/ und die sich sonnen/ und die Nichts! Nichts! Nichts!/ beim Namen nennen.“ And with that I sat up, sighing, swung myself out of the hammock and went with springing step into the house, to grab my notebook and ukulele.